We hear lots of Thomas the Tank Engine stories these days...mostly from Wise Bobcat, as that is
the thing he is into lately. The stories range from 5 minutes to 20 minutes (no, I'm not joking nor even exaggerating) when told orally and are eerily word-for-word according to the books. That being said, we are also occasionally blessed by the much shorter, wilder, completely original versions of these stories by 3-year-old Li'l Eaglet. We enjoyed one of these during lunch today. It was quite cute, I thought: "Mommy? I have a story. It's called
Thomas and the Skunk. Thomas was taking Annie and a Clarabel and then a skunk ran into Annie and a Clarabel! AND, *eek!* it stinked up all the passengers!" (lots of re-enacting, including sound effects) "AND THEN--the skunk ranned into James! *eek!*" (lots of re-enacting, including sound effects) "AND THEN--the skunk ranned into Henry! *eek!*" (lots of re-enacting, including sound effects.) I've noticed that whatever is fascinating Li'l Eaglet at the time is what tends to make it into the stories. Yesterday it was Electric Eels.