Back to work in our little one-room schoolhouse! We began yesterday, and once again, we're so thankful to be able to homeschool. The boys really love being back into the routine, and it's amazing what they've learned in only 2 days. As expected, the biggest challenge is keeping Spunky Cub, AKA "Toddler in All His Glory", busy. He was a little put-out at his older bros being so busy...and did try a few...ahem...antics...to gain our attention. Never fear--I pulled out the ol' Bean Pit.
If any of you fellow homeschoolers are looking for a way to keep your busy toddlers engaged in constructive play during school, this is it. A friend of ours gave us her extra one, and it is a gem. As you can see, Spunky made himself right at home in this indoor "sand box." Just find a large rubbermaid, fill it with dry beans, add a few sand toys and--wallah! Instant fun. So what's on the agenda for our little scholars this year? First Grader Eaglet is continuing with his Reading, Handwriting, and Math. The little stinker is reading at 4th grade level and LOVES books. We've added in Grammar and Spelling, and we'll be focusing on ancient world history this year. His favorite subject, by far, is Science. He works very hard to finish his other work so he can get to his Science, and he's VERY excited about the human body unit coming up.

Eaglet has begun "official pre-school"! What a big boy he has become. He loves having his own desk and school supplies. He's working on letters and phonics, "pre-writing", and "beginning math reasoning" skills. He loves reading books, particularly anything to do with TRUCKS. If it has nothing to do with trucks, he'll make up a truck-related storyline to go along with it. These boys are a joy; it's an absolute privilege to be their teacher (not to mention their mommy!)