...with a husband and 5 sons, I am truly outnumbered....stories and thoughts on life from a mom in a houseful of little men!

Monday, September 25, 2006


We celebrated 12 years this past weekend. Taking an overnight trip (just the two of us--ahhh the freedom!) down Kenai Peninsula to Soldotna, it was fabulous to have the time and freedom to do what we pleased. We went jogging, visited the Kenai National Wildlife Reserve Center, hiked the Keen-Eye, Centennial, and Bear Mountain trails, and popped into Portage Glacier Center on the way home. There is much to say about the weekend, way too much to blog at the moment. Overall, though, we just really loved the uninterrupted time together to reconnect. The setting was incredible, as the leaves were at "peak color" and the silence indescribable. Wildlife Report: Not much for big critters this time around (I'm not complaining after seeing that Brown Bear up so close a few years back!), though we did see a Moose cow with her calf on the way to KNWR. The most noteworthy siting--we were blessed to obseve over 30 Trumpeter Swans. They must have been congregating and preparing to migrate. What fascinating and gorgeous creatures. Our God is very creative.

First Day of soccer

Saturday, 8 a.m. It was a BIG day for the Dassow's, particularly for Daddy. He took our eldest to his 1st organized sports practice (and the rest of us "tagged along." Previously, I was not aware of what a milestone this really was. I'm not sure what was more fun--watching Bobcat run around with his li'l shin guards on, or watching Daddy all swelled up with emotion as he declared, "His first windsprints!" At any rate, it was very fun, and the coach is fantastic--totally into just making it a fun experience for these 6-year-olds, while helping them to learn the basics.

Too bad the quality of this photo is so poor. Perhaps I will need to shell out for a digital of some decent quality.

Friday, September 01, 2006

2nd Place?!

Well, I completed my 3rd and final 5k for 2006. I somehow managed to run 2nd place for my (*ahem*) age category, with the time of 25:37. I'm very happy with that. Never mind that a 39-year-old beat the pants off me. Oh well; I'll get her next May at The Curtis Menard--ha! Sorry I don't have a race picture to include. My very enthusiastic cheering squad (3 short little men and one full-grown) took some shots along the course, but alas, they didn't turn out (boo hoo.)