...with a husband and 5 sons, I am truly outnumbered....stories and thoughts on life from a mom in a houseful of little men!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Those Who Don't Know History Are Doomed to Repeat It

...Eaglet just chooses to repeat it in order to learn it! Experiential learner he is (and quite artistic too.) This year he has learned about:

The Statue of Liberty (using various media)

The Old Testament Israelites

The Titanic

The White House

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Native Americans


And here's my personal favorite:

Guess who?! Tragedy this photo was taken before he made a wig out of white felt and cotton balls. The coolest thing about all this, is that not one of these subjects or activities was my idea. This is just what happens in the life of a home-schooled, six-year-old boy. Love it.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Tagged--"Five Things"

5 Things I was Doing 5 Years Ago:

1. Just recently began attending WBC
2. Mother of a 3 1/2-year-old, and a 1 1/2-year-old
3. Still learning the ropes of mothering a food-allergic child
4. Just became pregnant with #3!
5. Volunteering in-office at HeartReach Pregnancy Center

5 Things on My To-Do List Today:

It is almost 11:30 p.m. Let's talk about tomorrow!
1. Sleep in as late as possible
2. Plant spring Tulip bulbs on south side--I can see dirt--yeah!
3. Bake chocolate chip cookie bars with boys
4. Go to the eye doctor
5. Do school lesson plans for next week

5 Things I Would Do With a Million Dollars:

Wow--where to begin?
1. Give to HeartReach Pregnancy Center
2. Give to Blood:Water Mission
3. Building expansion for NCM college in Rwanda
4. Family travel to Hawaii, Washington D.C., and Europe...for starters
5. Build my guys a garage with workout space, wood-working space, car-tinkering space, and space to play hoops

5 Places I Have Lived:

1. Chetek, Wisconsin
2. Minneapolis, Minnesota
3. Richfield, Minnesota
4. Almena, Wisconsin
5. Wasilla, Alaska

5 Jobs I Have Held:
1. carhop waitress at a drive-in restaurant (no roller skates, but I did have the coin changer!)
2. Waitress at a ritzy restaurant on an island (had to boat in to work!)
3. Salesperson at Gussini Shoes in downtown Minneapolis
4. Dorm food service at U of M
5. C.V.T. at various veterinary practices in three states

5 Things I Want to Be Doing in 5 Years:

1. Be a better wife
2. Be a better mom
3. Know God more intimately
4. Homeschool my 14 year-old, 12 year-old, 10 year-old, and 5 year-old sons
5. Live in another state? Who knows.

5 People I Tag:

1. Shannon
2. Sandie
3. Annie
4. Marti
5. Pam