5 Things I was Doing 5 Years Ago:
1. Just recently began attending WBC
2. Mother of a 3 1/2-year-old, and a 1 1/2-year-old
3. Still learning the ropes of mothering a food-allergic child
4. Just became pregnant with #3!
5. Volunteering in-office at HeartReach Pregnancy Center
5 Things on My To-Do List Today:
It is almost 11:30 p.m. Let's talk about tomorrow!
1. Sleep in as late as possible
2. Plant spring Tulip bulbs on south side--I can see dirt--yeah!
3. Bake chocolate chip cookie bars with boys
4. Go to the eye doctor
5. Do school lesson plans for next week
5 Things I Would Do With a Million Dollars:
Wow--where to begin?
1. Give to HeartReach Pregnancy Center
2. Give to Blood:Water Mission
3. Building expansion for NCM college in Rwanda
4. Family travel to Hawaii, Washington D.C., and Europe...for starters
5. Build my guys a garage with workout space, wood-working space, car-tinkering space, and space to play hoops
5 Places I Have Lived:
1. Chetek, Wisconsin
2. Minneapolis, Minnesota
3. Richfield, Minnesota
4. Almena, Wisconsin
5. Wasilla, Alaska
5 Jobs I Have Held:
1. carhop waitress at a drive-in restaurant (no roller skates, but I did have the coin changer!)
2. Waitress at a ritzy restaurant on an island (had to boat in to work!)
3. Salesperson at Gussini Shoes in downtown Minneapolis
4. Dorm food service at U of M
5. C.V.T. at various veterinary practices in three states
5 Things I Want to Be Doing in 5 Years:
1. Be a better wife
2. Be a better mom
3. Know God more intimately
4. Homeschool my 14 year-old, 12 year-old, 10 year-old, and 5 year-old sons
5. Live in another state? Who knows.
5 People I Tag:
1. Shannon
2. Sandie
3. Annie
4. Marti
5. Pam