The vibrant colors have given way to muted shades of gold, copper, and brown. It's still autumn, but winter is knocking gently on our door.
It's a completely new experience for us. For the last sixteen years, we saw golden leaves beginning in August, which waxed quickly before waning just as fast with a sucker-punch from winter. That is fall in Alaska, and we would have been "punched" several weeks ago. Instead, we're in the throes of fall in Tennessee. Both are so different; both are so beautiful. Seasons of change.
We have seasons in life as well. Some come softly and linger, while some of them hit us with the full-force of a Northwest gale and refuse to quit. But unlike the cycle of seasons, life seasons are often not so easily predicted.
It's nice when we can expect what to expect, but to have everything wrapped up so neatly doesn't leave much room for unexpected blessings, does it? I love such surprises, so living life unwrapped, so to speak, is appealing to me for that reason. However, what about the "unwrapped" seasons that go on with no apparent answers, with no obvious surprise?
Our family has been through a season of tremendous change during this past year. It's been a crazy combination of exhilaration, heartbreak, joy, hope, and dashed expectations. And though we are settled, we remain in limbo.
I feel time ticking, and I am full of questions. Where do we go from here? Will these healings be complete? What about other journeys you've called us on? Adoption process at a stand-still...what about that? God whispers to me in the midst of all my questions. He gives an answer which at first seems so irritating. "Be still and know that I am God."
Be still? Are you serious? "Yes," he whispers again. And then I am reminded of all the knowns in the midst of the unknowns. The knowns are the things that have happened already. They are also the things that are true. So many of them are things to be thankful for.
Where do we go from here? We continue to listen to His voice to lead us, and we thank Him for bringing us to where we are. We live well, and enjoy all the fullness and beauty that the days hold--right here.
Will the healings be complete? We don't know, but we thank Him for taking the seizures away from a son, and for providing a diagnosis and plan that has evaded me for the last two years, and for giving us access to the best eye doctor in the U.S. for another son.
What about the adoption process we began in 2010 that has gone seemingly nowhere? I have no answer for that either, whether it is meant to come to fruition or was a test of obedience. But we thank Him for increasing our faith and for the miracles He has worked along the way.
What additional questions would you add here? What are the answers that evade you in this season you are in? I most likely wouldn't have your answers, but I can point you to the One that has them. I can almost guarantee that if you listen closely, you'll hear Him whispering, "Be still..." It's irritating at first, but that's ok. God is not threatened by our irritation. What's even more awesome than that, is that when we choose to be still even though we don't like it, suddenly, there is room for us to give thanks. We give thanks in the midst of our questions, for the knowns and you know what? An unexpected blessing occurs afterall. We realize it's ok to not have the answers. We are filled with joy as we focus on the giving thanks. There's so much to give thanks for, and we are filled with peace.
Thanks. Peace. Joy. Those are good things to be had in any season.