We went sledding today...and what a blast we had. We even had a bit of sunshine (I'll take any I can get this time of year.) I'm not sure if the boys had more fun sledding or just log rolling down the mountain. Can you spot the three of them in the picture below?

After we'd had our fill, we stopped in for cocoa and nachos at the very humble, rustic, yet charming Hatcher Pass Lodge. There's been a lot of talk about development in the Pass for several years. It's sad to think of what we'd lose if that really happens. A fancy ski lodge would be very dull compared to the stark, natural beauty we enjoy in this present "playground".

I miss Hatcher Pass so much. . . we were going to get married there! Yes I think I see the boys, they are the black spots right? ;)
Glad to hear that the development hasn't come through yet. I agree, it's better without it! :)
I miss Hatcher Pass too! I love it it undeveloped!
I LOVED your sweet and newsy letter Jess! Thank you for taking time to share about life. I love your AK snowy pics of your adorable family. I want to see you while I am up for Sis's baby...I plan to be at church and at my sisters as much as possible. I have started a "new" blog that you can keep up with if ya want. My old one I started up at the beg of our adoption wont let me access it So I started over :) Miss you girl and so appriciate your love and prayer. Hugs, Jen
oh ya, its The Night Howells on blogger :)
How did I not know that you are blogging again???? I've missed so much! Ack!
Just so you know, I decided to start over, so here's my new address: http://cartoonliving.wordpress.com/ Only one post on there so far, but I'm hoping to get back in the habit.
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