My Grandma Emma used to make some amazing, bright green, sweet pickles. As a little girl I would marvel at the rows of jars lining her cellar pantry, and take every opportunity to sample the goods. I can close my eyes and remember how warm it was in her kitchen as she worked on her canning, and how her kitchen smelled. Mostly missing her, but also her pickles, I decided to track down some pickling cucumbers at the farmer's market this summer. I got my grandma's hand-written "Crisp Dollar Pickles" recipe from my mom and I'm 5 days into the venture. These babies take a total of 10 days to create. I'll let you know about the final product, but here are a couple shots of the journey:

Good luck with it. I've done jams and salmon and moose and dried beans, but I'm not brave enough for pickles. (Maybe it's easier than it looks.)
yum. I love pickles. trade you some cookies for some pickles.
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