This past weekend will be set in my memory for a long time. It's been packed full of activity, and packed full of emotion. Friday night we rejoiced as our 6-year-old Eaglet overcame his fear and went up on stage for his Christmas concert...

then felt a sting as we sent my beloved Grandma Dorothy back home to Wisconsin.
Early Saturday morning we felt shock and sadness as we learned our church building had been set on fire and extensively damaged...

....and yet felt God's peace and hope...because we know that though someone tried to destroy our
church, our
Church cannot be destroyed. We joyfully met with friends from Rwanda whom we haven't seen for five years...

and then were blessed by my goddaughter's ballet performance. She, like our Eaglet, has worked so hard to overcome her shyness:

First coat of paint on the nursery walls, and we were off to "It's a Wonderful Life Night" at some dear friends' home. It was so comforting to enjoy the warmth of their home, group prayer for our church, sustaining food, and friendships. We finally made our way home, exhausted yet content. Today our boys were contentedly at home with Grandmom in charge. It had been a long several days for them, and they needed some time to rest and play and not go anywhere. Tony and I had plans to Christmas shop for the day after attending the Wasilla Bible Church service. We are back to meeting in the Wasilla Middle School--physically displaced, but renewed in faith and hope. The service was packed, and NEVER have I experienced a more Spirit-filled service in our dear church. No frills. No childcare. No Sunday school. Three instruments and five musically gifted brothers and sisters led us in worship. It was deep worship from the heart. Deep emotions. Glory to our Savior. We spilled out of the school after services and made our way back across the parking lot, across the street and into the high school parking lot where we'd had to park. The day was crisp, well below-zero...and beautifully clear and bright. Sunshine poured down and the frosty sillhouettes of trees and foliage shimmered. What a beautiful day. What a blessing to have such a full weekend...such a full life. To borrow a quote from a fellow blogger/friend..."I'm just so thank-FULL."