Wow. Not even sure I have the words for this post. I was SO BLESSED this past weekend with love, encouragement, prayers, gifts, FRIENDS. This is a group shot from Baby Alek's and my baby shower last Saturday. What an amazing time. Been to a lot of baby showers...but never have I felt such blessing and peace from the Spirit as I did at this one. We had a wonderful, heart-felt group prayer time together and I even had a song written for and performed for me. This will be one of my best life memories; I'll cherish it always. I am truly speechless by the number of positive, loving, God-loving women (and their families) that God has brought into my life. Another precious thing was that my 78-year-old grandma was here from Wisconsin. It was such a blessing to have her at this shower. Thank you to Mom, Grandma, Tracee, Heidi, and all of you who made this such a wonderfully special day for me.
It also seems as though this shower was planned with perfect timing. An appointment with my midwife yesterday confirmed that our little guy is very anxious to make his way out! He dropped Monday night, and I have instructions to take it easy and try and make it another 2 1/2 weeks. If things keep progressing, it will be bed rest time until that 2 1/2 weeks are up. I feel peace in knowing that he will born at the perfect time.
I'm so excited, and find myself in irrational states of nesting. The boys and I went out to buy a car seat yesterday...and bought everything for the baby from Target but a car seat. Now if we could just get that nursery painted...and a crib purchased and put up! Plans are for this weekend--I can't wait to have that little room all ready and waiting for our precious 4th son.
Wow, you're in the home stretch now!!
I'm so glad you had a wonderful shower. Isn't it so nice to be surrounded by wonderful people!
looks like an amazing group of women! i am excited for the nursery too...that always seems so final! I am glad you were all prayed up and encouraged at the shower. Those are the best kind :) you look amazing by the way friend. I LOVE your long curly hair...so pretty on you!
you are an amazing and special woman and those of us that know and love you are blessed. It is no surprise to me that your shower was full of wonder, you are wonderful and bring that to our lives as well. Thanks!
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