Our friends invited us to visit their farm today. It was absolutely gorgeous and sunny...and brought back many memories of my Wisconsin up-bringing! Springtime is always a great time on any farm--sunshine and new life--two reminders of God's goodness.

My crew in the back of the pick-up truck. Just as I took this, Little Mister started to fuss. He really wasn't overly impressed with the ride. :)

Lotsa yaks! We saw several of their babies.

We found favor with the buffalo (a little bribery never hurts....fresh Fireweed in this case...)

Spunky was a little unsure of the pigs. He loved the baby piggies (they really were SO adorable) but the sounds the older ones made were a little scary for him...particularly since some of those mamas were about his same size!

Check out these cute little kids. Awwww....
That's a wide range of animals! Looks like fun.
"cute little kids" . . . ok it took me a minute to figure that one out. Sheesh. Looks like a fun time was had by all--I mean, most!
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