I received some pretty creative gifts....including this beautifully illustrated coloring book from Eaglet. He included all the things he knows I love about warmth, green, and outdoors.

My squirrely, can't-sit-still boy also gave me this coupon...and believe me, it is VERY valuable!! Can you decipher the precious, creative spelling?

Turned 35--check. Next on March 2010's To-Do List was to get packed up to go to (sigh...) Hawaii for the 3rd year in a row. YES, I totally know how ridiculously spoiled and incredibly blessed I am. I have appreciated the reprieve from winter and amazing memories with my dear mother SO much!! Here's my little keiki with Grandmom, shortly after take-off. He's a regular jet-setter now. This was his 2nd trip to Hawaii and his 4th take-off.

We were greeted with gorgeous leis by our wonderful friends, Walt and Betty!

There is nothing like that amazing scent of lilikoi.

Just about every morning, we went out early for a nice, long walk in the sunshine. Walt and Betty live on the North Shore of Oahu, which by FAR is the most beautiful and laid-back place on the island. It was so fun to dress Keiki up in his warm-weather duds and let his chubby, adorable bare-feet hang in the breeze...

Isn't this yard amazing? We passed by it and several others that were just as beautiful every day. I love how the Hawaiian yards are most often gated, and the people are so creative with their walls and gates and gardening.

Every day we made it out to the beach ASAP! I had been looking forward to introducing Keiki to the wonders of sand and surf. Like his mama, he is right at home.

One of the coolest things about making these repeat trips is that there were very few tourist attractions we cared to see that we hadn't seen yet. This whole trip was all about friends and the beach and hitting the best FOOD stops! I had to hit Ted's Bakery on day 1. I've been dreaming about Chocolate Haupi Cream pie for an entire year. JUST LOOK AT THIS:

It is the perfect dessert, and cannot be repeated by any other but Ted (Or whomever the baker actually is at this establishment.) Please know if you ever visit the North Shore you must hit Ted's Bakery. Other North Shore must-stop-and-eat places are Pizza Bob's (Order the Portuguese Bean Soup with salad and BREAD, and don't forget to top it off with pineapple iced tea,) Haliewa Joe's (Such fun evening atmosphere,) Cafe Haliewa (All about the breakfast,) Konos (TOTALLY about the breakfast burritos,) and last but not least, Fumi's Shrimp, which has the most A-Ma-Zing coconut shrimp I have EVER eaten in my life (and that's saying a lot.)

And then we pretty much had to cap off every day with a little shave ice:

Keiki began to recognize the colored plastic holders so well that he'd start fussing and toddling toward 'em whenever he saw someone holding one. The other great thing about making repeat trips is that we knew just what beaches needed repeat visits (or repeat upon repeat visit for that matter.)

Of course we had to take my little Keiki Honu to Turtle Beach several times throughout the week. I'm still amazed by these beautiful creatures...

And this, my friends, is my new Happy Place:

This is a beach up toward Ka'ena Beach. Not sure of the exact name, but let's just call it Jessica's Beach from now on...

Is there a rule about how long a post can be? Not sure but although I fully intended to hit it all in this one, I think I'll keep you in suspense (or have mercy, depending on how you look at it) until tomorrow.
Big, big sigh...you deserve it, you sweet gal. Otherwise I might not like you anymore. :)
Happy birthday and happy sunny days! Hey, it's tomorrow. I'm still waiting for you to finish. ^__^
LOVE the first photo of Jessica's beach. Glad it's going on your wall! Looks like you had a fabulous time!!!
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