I'm so proud of the Boyland Brotherhood! They brought in $87.54 to send to Compassion International for on-going Haiti earthquake relief. They toted their bucket into the bank yesterday, and we'll be sending the full amount on-line to Compassion tonight. Eaglet was a little concerned about the amount. "It just doesn't seem like $87 is very much money to help all those people, Mommy." We talked about how when there was only a little bit of bread and fish, Jesus was able to feed way over 5,000 people. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We can still trust Him to multiply resources today.
They said, "We have no more than five loaves and two fish..." And all ate and were filled... Luke 9:13,17
Silly me. I've been on facebook too long...I was looking for the "like" button. I like this, by the way. :)
YAAAAAAAY!!! Way to go BOYS :)! Your money will go a long way in Haiti! You may feed 87 children! Thats a lot of kids that will go to bed with a full tummy. I am so proud of your big hearts!
How awesome!!!
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