...with a husband and 5 sons, I am truly outnumbered....stories and thoughts on life from a mom in a houseful of little men!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Seeking His Wisdom

Typically, around mid-to-late January, I feel a little off my game--
  • a little crowded (too much time with 4 walls and a roof, however thankful I am for those!!)
  • a little claustrophobic (tons of layers of cold-weather gear, covered from head-to-toe)
  • a little "down" (having gone months with very little sunshine)
  • a little discouraged (wondering am I enough and am I doing enough for these precious people I'm so blessed to live with)

This is how I FEEL, but I have learned through the years that living by how I FEEL is not the best way to live. I can easily become held captive by these feelings, but I will choose not to. I am above self-pity. There's good work to be done, and by God's grace, I will continue in it! I cannot do this by myself, and indeed would not even want to.

Basking once again in this realization, I recently asked Him for a Word over each of our little treasures. I needed Him to give me a word of truth to hold on to, because at that particular moment my mind was just filled with all the problems I could see: "This one doesn't _____. This one needs to learn to _____. I need to do a better job with ____ with this one." You get the ugly picture! I asked Him to replace those thoughts with an affirmation over each of our little ones, along with a Word of Wisdom for me in mothering them. He is ever faithful and good.

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously without reproaching, and it will be given to him." James 1:5

Word over Baby: "Contentedness"

Word to Mama: Cheerfulness + Healthy Scheduling


Cheerfulness + Firmness


Cheerfulness + Guidance


Cheerfulness + Encouragement


Cheerfulness + Encouragement

Interesting how the Word of Wisdom to me, "cheerfulness," was part of my instruction x 5!


Allison said...

You always seem the picture of cheerfulness to me! Love and blessings,

sacra vim said...

Love this, love this...His words for us are always good. :)