There is a little country, far, far away from our home here in the wilds of Alaska.
photo Tara Elrod |
Like our home, it is full of beauty, and full of beautiful people.
photo Tara Elrod |
It has captured our hearts ever since that day in 2010, when devastating waves rippled under its foundation, demolishing buildings, families, and lives.
Our hearts were tendered toward this little country we knew so little about, and after praying for peace, for salvation, for hope, for healing, for restoration, and for so many other things, my little boys and I tried to think of how else we could help. We started a
little project to begin giving to these unknown, yet loved people.
First project completed, and it seemed like so little, and yet we trusted in the One who can
multiply the fishes--that He takes our little offerings and miraculously uses them to fill unimaginable needs.
Over two years have gone by, and Haiti has not left our hearts. The boys bring it up every so often. It enters my mind every so often, too. Most recently, this happened as I prayed my heart out this past April, for acquaintances of mine.
photo Tara Elrod |
This local couple traveled to Haiti for three weeks, in order to volunteer their time and skills for
Midwives for Haiti. Essentially, this organization teaches "Haitian men and women the skills that make them skilled birth attendants."
You see, the things we take so for granted here in our country, such as sound perinatal care in clean, comfortable, safe environments, with access to advanced medical equipment if necessary, is not so easy to come by in Haiti.
photo Tara Elrod |
photo Tara Elrod |
This is not exactly where I would want to birth my baby. And yet, women are thankful to have access to facilities such as this. If safe, sanitary conditions are lacking, there is also a great need for trained persons who can safely, competently, and compassionately care for and aid women throughout pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. In 2010, the World Health Organization estimated a 1 in 28 chance of dying in childbirth in Haiti. Enter Midwives for Haiti:
photo Tara Elrod |
Our acquaintances shed blood, sweat, and tears in April as they worked to serve families and to train midwifery professionals. They realized, first-hand and daily, the extent of the need for midwifery training. Tara writes, "There is a continuous need for
professionally trained midwives to give their time and money to
help precept Haitian women in midwifery skills. They need our
support and for us to share our knowledge and skill. Global
health is our responsibility as human beings, and right here,
right now, women and babies are dying unnecessarily.
I was told that here in Haiti you learn as much as you teach,
and your life is never the same.
True words."
photo Tara Elrod |
The Elrod's were able assist and to share in many incredible births, with healthy outcomes.
photo Tara Elrod |
They were also part of many which ended in only pain.
photo Tara Elrod |
"I was sad that fetal
death is obviously so common here that no one as much as sheds a tear
about a lost baby. That really makes me sad. I know they could do
better," says Tara. She goes on to say, "So sad for the situation
here. But with the anger and the sadness, I also know that as bad as
things are here, change and improvement has been made, exponentially.
I have to hang on to that and not lose sight of that. Great things
have been done. We have been told that 6 years ago people came to
this hospital TO DIE. There were NO midwives, and the hospital
cleaning ladies would do the deliveries. There was NO hope. And now,
just a few years later, midwives have been trained and hired and
there are at least SOME skilled attendants. There is SO much room for
improvement, so many things that could be done better. But we cannot
forget that strong and permanent change comes slow. We need to
remember that regardless of how horrible some things may seem, care
for mothers and babies in Haiti has improved and will slowly continue
to improve."
And so she plans to return next month. Because it can be better, and there's good to be done. There's good to be done, and we all can be a part of that, if we choose!
photo Tara Elrod |
This little guy is sporting a cozy li'l hat, all the way from Alaska.
photo Tara Elrod |
Many items were sent along with Elrod's in April. The needs are great, and the items were all given out pretty much immediately.
Our family has begun a new project to assist Tara as she returns to serve in September. We've been working on purchasing items to put together similar baby gift bags.
The day we decided to do this, 10-year-old Eaglet had a number of completed gift bags in mind that we should shoot for. We prayed and asked God to provide. He's doing awesome things, cuz He's just like that.
Would you like to be part of this project? It may seem a little thing. But our God is awesome, and He cares about little things...especially little people.... He takes our little offerings and multiplies the goodness that can be done. Maybe you've been looking for just this type of opportunity. Should you decide to join with us in this not-so-little, little thing, we would happily, thankfully receive any amount of donation you feel led to give. All monies will be used to purchase items for baby gift bags, to be sent next month. Just think--your donations would be worn by a beloved Haitian baby within the next month. Please leave a comment, personal message me, or call us. God will use our little offerings to send hope to Haiti.
photo Tara Elrod |
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