...with a husband and 5 sons, I am truly outnumbered....stories and thoughts on life from a mom in a houseful of little men!

Thursday, January 01, 2009


A fellow blogger asked her readers what we are looking forward to in 2009... There are so many things I'm dreaming about. Here are some that top the list:
  • The birth of our little son!!! And along with that, all the wonderful 1st year milestones.
  • Getting back into shape after Baby. Thinking of joining a gym, and I'd also love to learn to swim well enough to do lap time.
  • Spunky turning 4, Bobcat turning 9, Eaglet turning 7.
  • Another possible trip with my mom in February (?) with baby too, of course...to somewhere warm.
  • Hopefully a warm, sunny summer this year!
  • Camping trips...hopefully without rain! Wait...is that possible?
  • Weekend with my guys in Seward. We skipped last year and really missed it.
  • In-depth Bible studies...Esther?
  • Keep on reading classic literature.
  • Hopefully another visit from my grandma who lives in Wisconsin.
  • Tony and I will celebrate 15 years this September!
  • Finish knitting Baby's sweater and hat.
  • Meeting two good friends' new babies! Throwing baby showers!
  • Anne of Green Gables meets VPA this spring! How I would LOVE to try out for a part. Probably not the right timing...but trying out for something is on my goal list when it agrees with family life.
  • Hatcher Pass--sledding this winter, hiking and blueberry picking in the summer.
  • All the things God will teach us and show us...things I can't even imagine. He makes life SO worth living!


Pam said...

Your family picture is BEAUTIFUL...have I told you that yet? Especially love those little bare toes!!!!! Your list inspires me to get mine down on paper...thank you. We talked about our "lists" at supper tonight, but it's always fun to get them in writing. I just put a sticky note with your name on it on my bathroom mirror, Jessica. It is a reminder to pray for you in your home stretch of pregnancy. Any specific requests?

mama said...

15 days, that's all? That will fly by. . . I hope!! Praying for a healthy happy delivery and baby for you all!!! BTW, I've seen the cover of Esther, Beth Moore right? I want to do it! but it's hard to commit to weekly anything right now.

Jodi said...

I'm planning a girls' week with a couple of friends in February, too...only we're not going anywhere warm, only Indiana. Still...:o)

Have a Happy New Year! Thinking of you as the big day approaches.

sacra vim said...

Oh, I would looove to try out for Anne of Green Gables with you! I can't think of any possible parts for pregnant women, though...bummer. :)