Our precious 4th Little Mister is here...and of course, worth every bit of the wait and worth every ounce of effort it took to bring all 10 pounds, 1 ounce of him here! Yep. He is the new record-holder. 10 pounds, 1 ounce. 21 1/2 inches. 15 1/2 inch head and 15 1/2 inch chest. He is like a little sausage...and a very cute one at that. We love him so much and we're so happy. The birth was completely different in so many ways from what we have experienced and from what we expected. Lots of life lessons here...the biggest of which is, "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength."

YEAH! Way to go, girl! I can't believe how chubby his cheeks are already! And it's a good thing I made his hat big...really big...sheesh. I love how he fills up those jammies already!
HALLELUJAH HE'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Jessica! (Tony too:) Can't wait to meet this little one I've been praying for. He looks like a keeper:) I'd love to come over and meet him sometime, but I'll give you some time to rest.
Yay!!! Welcome home, baby boy! :)
It's so good to see you both doing so well! Thank you Lord!
What a big, cute, little man! (Because babies can be big and little at the same time.)
YAY!!!! Was just wondering about you. Congratulations on that big little guy (taking a cue from my sister), and enjoy your four boys. You are certainly the queen of your family!
Yeah! Welcome little one! Looking forward to meeting you! :)
SWEET, ADORABLE, KISSABLE, CHUNKY MONKEY BOY!!!! Congrats and way to go you two :) He is sooooo completely precious Jess, I wanna kiss those yummy cheeks. I LOVE baby sons :) I'm so glad you are on this side of the birth and will be praying for a good adjustment period and dare I say..."REST". You are a champ girl! So did your water break at the bowling alley?
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