...with a husband and 5 sons, I am truly outnumbered....stories and thoughts on life from a mom in a houseful of little men!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Date!

Time for a little blog catch-up. I've been (gasp) nosing around facebook and haven't been keeping up with my bloggly duties...

July 3rd the 3 big boys went for a sleep-over with Grandmom and Grandpa, and Tony and I took our little keiki on a date! We hit 2 favorites--Happy Family for Chinese and Hatcher Pass! Truth be told, we also hit a few other favorites during our date-marathon, including Dairy Queen for Blizzards and the local dive for chowder......but who's keeping tabs.... So here are some pictures from Hatcher's...because none of you really want to see pictures of us eating Chinese food...Blizzards....and local chowder. And yes, I really DID swim in Summit Lake, and it was wonderful!


Pam said...

A date...good for you! They are expensive and rare with 4 kiddos....but priceless all the same. Way to make it a priority!

sacra vim said...

LOVE the picture of you and Tony! And someday we'll have to do Happy Family together!

mama said...

Brrrrrrr! But good that you got a little break. We've been meaning to do this for a while. I think we'd better actually plan it, or it'll never happen!

Sarah said...

You are one brave woman, Jessica Dassow! My teeth are chattering just looking at the picture of you in that frigid lake. I once stuck my feet in, but that was it for me!