...with a husband and 5 sons, I am truly outnumbered....stories and thoughts on life from a mom in a houseful of little men!

Friday, March 01, 2013

Art Therapy

The last couple of months in Boyland have been less than typical, but then what is typical for us, anyway?!  Still dealing with, and frustrated over health issues and illness in a few of us...but also resting in the fact that we're doing what we can and trusting God to give wisdom and healing in His good time.  With friends struggling with cancer in husband and cancer in children, I really cannot complain.

I.   really.  cannot. complain.

This is true, and we count our many blessing, yet we still find ourselves in a bit of a funk lately.  Our schedule has been turned somewhat upside-down, with needing to run for several appointments per week.  The dandy schedule I was so in love with of (sing along with me...) ...morning routines, breakfast, morning chores, lessons, lunch, tot naps, afternoon lessons....has fallen apart, and we all find ourselves with a hefty case of spring fever on the side.  The Picky Monster has also crept in a bit.  Do you know him?  He manifests in brothers picking on brothers, and brothers being reluctant to show grace toward brothers, and mother playing Army Sergeant to said brothers, and subsequently, brothers AND mother in picky, malcontent.  I've been fighting against this Monster all week, praying all throughout the day, and singing this song at the top of my lungs at times to keep my mouth from saying anything less...umm...holy.


This morning as I dragged myself bounced out of bed and began to pray and prepare for the day, I decided we needed to ditch the other lesson plans and roll out some art supplies. We've been reading Holling C. Holling's Pagoo (LOVE Holling!!) and so I thought a hermit crab project was in order.  Luddite that I tend to be, I do love the internet when it comes to needing a quick project idea.  I found a great blog for art projects, and chose a modified version of this project.

My boys dig art.  They really do, even though Spunky Cub doesn't look like it in this photo!  And, as we happily waded through paper, paper plates, sponges, poster paints, chalk, and watercolors, I was asking myself WHY have I not done this more with my boys this year?!  Per the boys' delightful, pleasant conversation, you can see we had some serious Art Therapy goin' on:

"Oh look!  He's using all dots!  That's like Monet!  
"Oh no....not Monet, he used watercolors...you're thinking Niebrugge."  
"Ohhhh yes...Niebrugge. 

"You guys?  When I grow up I'm gonna have a whole room just for ALL my art stuff."
"You mean like an art studio?"
"YES!  I'm gonna have an art studio."

"HEY GUYS!  We should see if Mommy & Daddy would take us clamming this spring!"
(insert chorus of YES!!!)

"I just LOVE doing this.  I just want to learn as much as I can about sea creatures.  I mean, I just always spend my time studying about all sorts of historical figures..but I really should also spend some of my time learning  about sea creatures."

I do believe I saw the Picky Monster, bags packed, heading out the back door.

The coolest thing about doing projects, is that while we're all using the same materials, and following the same instructions, we get such wonderfully different results.  LOVE THAT.

So as you can see, my wonderful husband was right when he responded to one of my recent please- help-me-gain-my-sanity-e-mails: "Remember Scarlet Jessica, tomorrow is another day.  The sun will be shining, the snow melting…." 


Bacon Writer said...

Love love love love love! Beautiful project, beautiful words! We read Pagoo last year and all loved it so much, I bought the rest of Holling's books, but have yet to read them. :) Hugs to you.. hope the picky monster stays far away.

Pam said...

LOVE this Jessica! I agree....the monster has been sneaking around here this morning too! There's nothing like an art project to send him packing! Thanks for the inspiration. Love your crabs. Think I may try to make some with the kids today! I also love water play for the little ones when they're cranky....paint with water, mix colored water, dump & pour. AH.....relaxing. Messy for mom though:)

sacra vim said...

Love this so much! Inspired to have some art therapy this week...love to you and all your men!